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Street, Stacey

  See my work
the Fountainhead Lofts Building
1932 S. Halsted St. #407
Chicago IL 60608
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Website: artist site

Stacey Street's paintings and sculptures reflect the upbeat and magical way she views the world around her. Raised in the South, she spent much of her time exploring the woods, ponds and winding streams of her father's cattle ranches in Arkansas. Yet, when she moved to Chicago after college, she immediately felt a sense of coming home. Street earned her MFA in Painting and Drawing from San Francisco's Academy of Art University in 2017 and currently works out of her studio in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood and sometimes from the mountains near Blue River, Colorado. Her diverse environments inspire a wide range of subjects from cityscapes to moths, all of which she depicts with an optimistic and colorful eye. Her work feels true to her life rather than to any antiquated or popular notion of what art should or should not do. She seems to celebrate a healthy mind and ordinary life, which makes her rather eccentric in the world of art.
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